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Quickly Deployed, Convenient, Sanitation.

Who we Serve?

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Within the public agency domain exists a serious challenge of ensuring the health and safety of first responders and front-line workers during this pandemic.

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These industries represent a challenge on how to keep their employees safe from airborne and surface cross-contamination of pathogens.

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The innovation in the dispersant of chlorine dioxide (CLO2), has made it a very cost effective and potent modality to be used in the hospitality industry. 

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The Science behind it all.

Chlorine Dioxide is a well-known oxidizer that destroys many organic compounds, it is a powerful antimicrobial agent with strong disinfectant and odor removal properties and is also well-known as a water disinfectant and algaecide.

The Current Crisis.

The current societal pain, inflicted by seemingly endless waves of the Coronavirus global pandemic, have caused enormous strife and grief particularly in workplace settings. Public health policy makers, at all governmental levels, have imposed what to some see as draconian measures in an effort to slow the spread of this contagion. Some of these measures are:

Undoubtedly, all these measures have resulted in an unprecedented push back by large segments of society and in work and employment setting.